Subtopics (4)
Supplementary Materials for "China's International Climate-Related Finance Provision and Mobilization for South-South Cooperation"
These datasets underpin a WRI working paper on climate-related finance provided and mobilized by China from 2013 to 2022 for South-South cooperation. The datasets include calculations of China’s climate financing through multilateral public finance and all other non-multilateral public finance including bilateral public, export credits and mobilized private finance.
Supplementary Materials for "A Breakdown of Developed Countries’ Public Climate Finance Contributions Towards the $100 Billion Goal"
This dataset underpins WRI’s technical note on the breakdown of how much each developed country has contributed in public climate finance between 2013 and 2018 towards the $100 billion climate finance commitment. The dataset includes the individual country breakdowns of climate finance by channel and the calculations behind the assessments of how countries’ efforts compare using a variety of metrics.
Supplementary Materials for "Leading on Ambition: Opportunities for the Enhancement of Nationally Determined Contributions by Climate Vulnerable Forum"
Data tables supporting a WRI Working Paper released in 2018
Supplementary Materials for "State of the Nationally Determined Contributions: Enhancing Adaptation Ambition"
Information on the adaptation components of 86 countries’ NDCs submitted until June 30, 2021. Nine national action plans (NAPs) submitted by the 86 countries during this time frame are also included.
Supplementary Materials for "China's International Climate-Related Finance Provision and Mobilization for South-South Cooperation"
These datasets underpin a WRI working paper on climate-related finance provided and mobilized by China from 2013 to 2022 for South-South cooperation. The datasets include calculations of China’s climate financing through multilateral public finance and all other non-multilateral public finance including bilateral public, export credits and mobilized private finance.
Percent of Land Area Protected by Country
Countries by % of land area under protection, 1990-2014
Wood Fiber Concessions
Public lands allocated by governments to private companies for commercial tree plantations
Roadless Areas
Areas at least 1 km from current roads
Nationally Determined Contributions Ratification
Countries which have ratified their Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement
Environmental Democracy Index
An index of environmental democracy based on the state of national laws protecting transparency, participation, and justice in environmental decision-making
World Database on Protected Areas
Legally protected areas, according to various designations (e.g., national parks, state reserves, and wildlife reserves), which are managed to achieve conservation objectives
Fully and Highly Protected Marine Areas
Detailed information about and implementation status of fully and highly protected marine areas
Hydropolitical Tension and Institutional Vulnerability
Relative level of risk a basin or basin country unit has for political tension over its transboundary rivers