Ocean Watch


Global distribution of seagrasses

Apr 25, 2024
Last Updated
Jul 16, 2024

Caution: Validation (of version 1) was also undertaken through a global seagrass workshop comprising experts from 23 countries. As the dataset contains overlapping polygons, a dissolve operation (by ISO3) in GIS is required before surface area calculations are carried out. Based on recent genetic and morphometric analysis, Halophilla johnsonii, Halophila hawaiiana, Halophila ovata and Halophila minor are now considered to be morphological variations of, and therefore conspecific with, Halophila ovalis. Zostera mucronata, Zostera muelleri and Zostera novazelandica are now considered to be morphological variations of, and therefore conspecific with, Zostera capricorni. Note that the older components of the dataset (particularly in version 1) are likely to have been fitted to the best shoreline data available at the time, i.e. ESRI's "Digital Chart of the World" and “MundoCart digital database(both derived from Operational Navigation Charts). As a result, there may be placement errors when mapped onto recent shoreline datasets (e.g. GSHHD, Open Street Map), e.g. Belize.

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