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Availability of Ruminant Based Foods
Retail-level availability of ruminant meats (beef, lamb, goat) per capita per day across the world, from 1961-2013, with a "business as usual" projection, RCP 8.5, out to 2050
Caution: Strengths of these FAO data sources include the inclusion of nearly all of the world’s countries, relatively comparable methods across countries, and open access to data. Furthermore, food availability estimates are derived from production and trade data.
However, FAO food balance sheets result in estimates of dietary intake in many countries that are inconsistent with separate estimates of actual calorie consumption in those countries, typically undertaken through national diet surveys. Several factors could explain the discrepancy between FAO and national survey estimates, including underreporting of calorie consumption in national surveys, or inaccurate estimates of food waste (retail-level availability minus food waste should equal actual dietary intake).
Data for the former Soviet Union are averaged across all 15 countries, due to data availability.