Agro-Ecological Zones
Agro-Ecological Zone classification by climate, soil, terrain, and land cover
Apr 25, 2024
Last Updated
Jul 16, 2024
- GAEZ v4 assessment does not encompass all activities related to agriculture. It primarily focuses on the potential for growing crops.
- Results of this dataset should be utilized at the appropriate aggregation levels, which are dependent on the underlying resolution of the input datasets. Input datasets have different spatial resolutions.
- Input datasets are known to have uneven quality and reliability.
- Newer datasets with improved resolution and accuracy were made available after GAEZ datasets were frozen, for example, land cover.
- Land degradation was minimally or not at all accounted for in GAEZ outputs.
- Global generalizations were necessary for certain variables, such as the data on environmental requirements for some crops.
- Socioeconomic data use is limited to the specifications of modes and purpose of agricultural production, the quantification of levels of inputs and management, the inclusion of agricultural prices, and the consideration of population numbers and distributions.
- GAEZ utilized an exclusion layer to denote land that is marked either as protection or exclusion status from reliable datasets.
5 Data Files