Ocean Watch

Projected Sea Level Rise

Projected increase in sea surface height through 2100

Apr 25, 2024
Last Updated
Jul 16, 2024
  • Uncertainties were derived from the CMIP5 ensemble by treating the model spread as a normal distribution, and it was assumed that the 5 to 95% interval of CMIP5 projections for the 21st century for each emissions scenario can be interpreted as a "likely" range.
  • All the uncertainties described by the land ice methods were assumed to be independent of the climate change uncertainty and of one another, except where stated, and were combined by Monte Carlo. Because of the use of Monte Carlo, the results for GMSLR have a random uncertainty.
  • The main challenge faced by models attempting to assess sea level change from glaciers is the small number of glaciers for which mass budget observations are available (about 380) as compared to the total number (the Randolph Glacier Inventory contains more than 170,000). Statistical techniques are used to derive relations between observed SMB and climate variables for the small sample of surveyed glaciers, and then these relations are used to upscale to regions of the world.
  • For additional cautions, please see the source methodology.
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