Water, Peace & Security

Gender Inequality Index

Measure of gender inequality in health, empowerment, and economic status in 159 countries

Apr 25, 2024
Last Updated
Jul 16, 2024

Caution: The Gender Inequality Index does not capture the length and breadth of gender inequality. For example, the use of national parliamentary representation excludes participation at the local government level and elsewhere in community and public life. The labor market dimension lacks information on employment, having an adequate job, and unpaid work that is mostly done by women. In addition, the index misses other important dimensions, such as time use—the fact that many women have the additional burden of caregiving, and housekeeping cuts into their leisure time and increases stress and physical exhaustion. Lastly, asset ownership, child care support, gender-based violence, and participation in community decision-making are also not captured in the GII, mainly due to limited data availability.

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