Water, Peace & Security

Employment in Agriculture

National employment in agriculture as a percentage of total employment

Apr 25, 2024
Last Updated
Jul 16, 2024

Caution: There are many differences in how countries define and measure employment status. When data is obtained from establishment surveys, the data covers only employees; thus self-employed and unpaid family workers are excluded. In such cases the employment share of the agricultural sector is severely underreported. Caution should be also used where the data refer only to urban areas, which record little or no agricultural work. Moreover, the age group and area covered could differ by country or change over time within a country.

Countries also take different approaches to the treatment of unemployed people. In most countries unemployed people with previous job experience are classified according to their last job. But in some countries the unemployed and people seeking their first job are not classifiable by economic activity. Because of these differences, the size and distribution of employment by economic activity may not be fully comparable across countries.

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