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Water Stress Country Ranking
Global baseline water stress score by country
Apr 25, 2024
Last Updated
Jul 16, 2024
- There is inherently some uncertainty when calculating water resources as they have large spatial variation across administrative and ecological boundaries. Additionally, water availability is a complex topic that inevitably loses some detail when it is simplified into a single value. Where available, more detailed, locally sourced data should be preferred.
- Regions of very high and low risk values can be disguised for watersheds that cross multiple climactic zones due to averaging of water stress values for the whole region.
- The dataset was created to show water stress based on human use and does not take into consideration government policy, water quality, or investments in water availability solutions.
- Transboundary rivers and lakes were split and an attempt was made to not double count them. It is possible that some error might be present for these areas.
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