Water, Peace & Security
Aqueduct Seasonal Variability
Measures the average within-year variability of available water supply, including both renewable surface and groundwater supplies
Caution: Although the underlying models have been validated, the results were not. Seasonal variability remains subjective and cannot be measured directly. The lack of direct validation makes it impossible to assess some of the parameters in our calculation such as the length of the input time series, regression method and optimal moving window size.
In addition, the full timeseries of PCR-GLOBWB 2 (1960 to 2014) was analyzed.Seasonal variability using different ranges was not analyzed. The human and climatic influence and on available water is likely to be more profound in recent years.
Coastal and island sub-basins were often grouped to make the area of the sub-basins more homogeneous. The assumption of shared water resources might not hold in aggregated coastal sub-basins.
Water resources in PCR-GLOBWB 2 were pooled in abstraction zones. This assumption differs from the sub-basin approach in Aqueduct. This was one of the prime reasons for further processing of the PCR-GLOBWB 2 data.
Results were tailored towards large scale comparison of water related risks. The indicators have limited added value on a local scale.