Ocean Watch
Watershed and sub-basin boundaries
The quality of HydroSHEDS mostly depends on the characteristics of the SRTM-based elevation model. Being a radar product, SRTM elevation values are influenced by vegetation and other surface features which affect hydrographic derivatives. Regions prone to errors in HydroSHEDS can be found on the source website.
The quality of the HydroSHEDS data is significantly lower for regions above 60 degrees northern latitude as there is no underlying SRTM elevation data available and thus a coarser scale DEM has been inserted by the authors ((HYDRO1k provided by USGS)[http://gcmd.nasa.gov/records/GCMD_HYDRO1k.html].)
Sub-basins can grow to sizes much larger than the 100 km² threshold if there is no tributary joining the main stem for a long distance. This inconsistency due to “oversized” sub-basins has been addressed and reduced in HydroBASINS by forcing additional subdivisions for every sub-basin larger than 250 km². These polygons are split into appropriately sized sub-basins by introducing break points along their main stem rivers.