Ocean Watch


Global extent of saltmarshes

Apr 25, 2024
Last Updated
Jul 16, 2024
  • This dataset is indicative of the authors’ current knowledge of the extent of saltmarshes globally based on the data obtained through the inventory, and is not intended to reflect a comprehensive assessment of saltmarsh presence and absence.

  • The estimated extent is at the relatively low end of previous estimates (2.2-40 Mha), however, the authors took the conservative approach in the mapping exercise and there are notable areas in Canada, Northern Russia, South America and Africa where saltmarshes are known to occur that require additional spatial data.

  • The compiled spatial data include differing spatial resolutions (1:10,000 to 1:4,000,000), data collection methodologies (e.g. field surveys, remote sensing), licenses and use restrictions, spatial formats, and data quality.

  • The dataset is not suitable for temporal analyses of change. Please ensure that the time frames of data collection (noted within the dataset) are suitable for analytical purposes.

  • Although mangrove data are not included in the dataset, mangrove habitat may be found in very close proximity to saltmarsh habitat in subtropical and tropical regions. The dataset may contain other habitat types such as freshwater marshes, mudflats and salt plains due to varying collection and mapping methodologies.

  • IMPORTANT: As the dataset contains overlapping polygons, a dissolve operation (within GIS) is required before calculating area of extent.

1 Data Files