Topic name
Human Well-being
Data related to the quality of life and overall well-being of human populations, 
including poverty, conflict, access to energy, housing conditions, and sanitation.
17 Dataset(s)
4 Subtopic(s)

Subtopics (4)

Datasets associated with Human Well-being (17)

City-scale climate hazards at 1.5°C, 2.0°C, and 3.0°C of global warming


This dataset contains estimated average magnitudes and probabilities of extreme-magnitude exceedance for 14 climate hazards, calculated for the 996 cities larger than 500,000 in population, at recent historical level and 1.5°C, 2.0°C, and 3.0°C of global warming above pre-industrial baseline.

Conflict Forecast


A forecast for risk of emerging or ongoing conflict with at least 10 fatalities, or peace over the next 12 months.

[Archived] Access to an Improved Water Source


Percentage of national, urban, and rural population with access to an improved drinking water source

Universal Thermal Climate Index


Human perception of outdoor conditions

Conflict Forecast


A forecast for peace or risk of emerging or ongoing conflict with at least 10 fatalities over the next 12 months

Access to Improved Sanitation Facilities


Percentage of the total population using improved sanitation facilities

Water Conflict Map


Each entry represents a geographic location where conflicts over water have occurred and information about each conflict

Population Below Income Poverty Line ($3.20)


The percentage of the population living in poverty, defined as those living on less than $3.20 a day in 2011 international prices.

Conflict and Protest Events


Conflict and protest events in select Asian and African states

Access to Clean Cooking Fuels


Proportion of total population primarily using clean cooking fuels and technologies for cooking

Access to Electricity (National)


The percentage of the national population with access to electricity from 1990 to present, at the country level

Host Countries of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons


Annual information on the UNHCR's populations of concern, people's country of origin, and their status

Recent Internal Displacement from Conflict, Natural Disasters, and Development


Estimated number of people who are considered internally displaced persons due to the sudden onset of natural disasters, conflict, or development

Origin Countries of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons


Annual information on the UNHCR's populations of concern, people's country of origin, and their status

Pop. at risk of hunger



wps.002 ACLED Conflict Past 12 Months
