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National Infant Mortality
The number of infants dying before reaching one year of age, per 1,000 live births in a given year
Population (Grid, 1 km)
Estimates for global population density for select year
Cities and Towns
A collection of all national-level capitals, many subnational capitals, major cities and towns, and a sampling of smaller towns in sparsely inhabited regions
Population Below Income Poverty Line ($3.20)
The percentage of the population living in poverty, defined as those living on less than $3.20 a day in 2011 international prices.
Gender Inequality Index
Measure of gender inequality in health, empowerment, and economic status in 159 countries
Population (Grid, 100m)
Global population
Employment in Agriculture
National employment in agriculture as a percentage of total employment
Population Affected by Sea Level Rise (Grid, 100m)
Gridded estimated count of population in areas that will likely be flooded at different amounts rising water due to a combination of sea level rise, tide, and storm surge