Subtopics (3)
[Archived] Coral Reef Locations
Global coral reef locations in 2005
Frequency of Future Coral Reef Bleaching Events
Projection for future global coral reef bleaching events during the decades 2030 and 2050
Social and Economic Dependence on Coral Reefs
Dependence, adaptive capacity, and social and economic vulnerability related to coral reef loss
Eutrophication and Hypoxia
Coastal areas impacted by eutrophication and/or hypoxia
Local Threats to Coral Reefs
Estimated threat to coral reefs from combined local activities such as development, pollution and fishing
Trawling Activity
Total apparent fishing effort from 2012 to 72 hours prior to the present time by trawl and dredge fishing vessels, as reported by Global Fishing Watch
Global extent of saltmarshes
Fishing Activity
Total apparent fishing effort from 2012 to 72 hours prior to the present time by vessels other than trawl and dredge fishing vessels, as reported by Global Fishing Watch.
Fishery Production
Global fishery production by country since 1950
Food from the Sea
Production, import, export, daily per-capita dietary energy, and daily per capita protein supply, of ocean-sourced food
Global distribution of seagrasses
Global bathymetric chart of the ocean
Coral Reef Locations
Global distribution of coral reef locations in tropical and subtropical regions
Wave Height
Modeled significant wave height in the ocean
Marine Protected Areas
Global database of marine protected areas, including boundaries and descriptive information
Sea Surface Temperature Variability
Historical variation in sea surface temperature
Projected Ocean Acidification
Projected level of ocean acidification, as indicated by carbonate ion concentration
Coral Reef Connectivity
Extent to which populations are linked by the exchange of eggs, larval recruits, juveniles or adults, as well as the extent of ecological linkages with adjacent and distant habitats
Fully and Highly Protected Marine Areas
Detailed information about and implementation status of fully and highly protected marine areas
Projected Ocean Acidification: Suitability for Coral Reefs
Projected suitability of conditions for coral reefs vis a vis ocean acidification, as indicated by carbonate ion concentration
Projected Sea Level Rise
Projected increase in sea surface height through 2100
Aqueduct Coastal Eutrophication Potential
Measures the potential for riverine loadings of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and silica (Si) to stimulate harmful algal blooms in coastal waters
Historical Coral Bleaching Stress Frequency
Frequency and intensity of abnormally warm water conditions near coral reefs
Plastic density in the oceans
Count and weight of plastic pollution floating in the world’s oceans for 2007-2013
Index of Coastal Protection by Coral Reefs
Relative value of shoreline protection provided by coral reefs
Coral Reef Fisheries Relative Catch
Estimated size of local coral reef fishery catch, relative to other reef fisheries
Ocean Phosphate Concentration
Mean concentration of phosphate across the ocean
Coral Bleaching Monitoring
Oceanic thermal stress events with potential to cause coral bleaching
Chlorophyll Concentration
Near-real-time concentration of chlorophyll-a
Ocean Dissolved Oxygen Concentration
Mean concentration of dissolved oxygen across the ocean
Projected Coral Bleaching
Projections of coral reef bleaching frequency
Ocean Nitrate Concentration
Mean concentration of nitrate across the ocean
Total Suspended Matter
Concentration of inorganic particulate matter in seawater, which is a measure of turbidity, i.e. nontransparency
Coral Reef Tourism Value
Estimated annual economic value of coral reefs to the tourism sector
com.037 Fishing Employment
ocn.020d.rw0.nrt Chemical Concentrations at River Mouths
Watersheds Transporting Wastewater to Coastal Ocean
Mapped locations of watersheds that drain human sewage into coastal areas
ocn.022.rw0 Fisheries Subsidies
Wastewater Inputs in Coastal Areas
Mapped locations of human sewage drainage into coastal areas
com.030d.rw0 Fishing Effort by Zone
ocn.023.rw0 Marine Protection
ocn.024a.rw0 Key Biodiversity Areas
Population Affected by Sea Level Rise (Grid, 100m)
Gridded estimated count of population in areas that will likely be flooded at different amounts rising water due to a combination of sea level rise, tide, and storm surge
Wastewater Plumes in Coastal Areas
Modeled annual Nitrogen input from human sewage into coastal areas